reCAPTCHA Errors

ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key.
  1. Need to login to google with the mitx devops username and password (vault-production -> platform-secrets/google). It will need to do an email verification code to one of our lists if you don't have an active session.
  2. Make your way to the reCAPTCHA console located here.
  3. There is a dropdown on the top left that lets you see which site/application configuration that you're working with.
  4. Once you're on the site that you care about, there is a gear icon on the top right. Click that for the settings.
  5. Three things to verify:
    1. Does the site key match what is listed in app configuration + vault?
    2. Does the secret key match what is listed in app configuration + vault?
    3. Is the list of domains correct?
    4. NOTE: When checking keys, look at the end of the string rather than the start. They all seem to start the same.