Moira Certificates

There are two services in our porfolio that interact with Moira.

  1. MIT Open / OpenDiscussions
  2. ODL-Video-Service

Both of these services authenticate against Moira with certificates issued by which is also the provider of MIT Personal Certificates. There is no web interface for requesting an application certificate from, so you need to email with the CSR in the body of the email and a clear request that you're asking for a certificate issued from and NOT InCommon/Internet2 which is where most MIT certificates now come from.

Both of these applications utilize the same two environment variables for storing and accessing this key/cert pair.


MITOpen Vault Locations

  • In all vault environments: secret-mit-open/global/mit-application-certificate
  • Maintained by hand.

ODL Video Service Vault Location

  • In all vault environments: secret-odl-video-service/ovs/secrets
  • Inside a single JSON structure at misc.mit_ws_certificate and misc.mit_ws_private_key
  • Maintained automatically by pulumi.
  • sr/bridge/secrets/odl_video_service or here

Certificate Usage and Expiration Tracking

Action Date Application Description Who
20230625 Open Replaced MIT Open certificate, expires 20240625 MD
20230928 OVS OVS Cert expired, replaced with Open certificate above, expires 20240625 MD
20240201 Both No action. Verified certificates currently in use. Updated reminder in team calendar. MD
20240613 Both Replaced both certificates with 2024-2025 versions. Reminder sent to team calendar. MD