Importing Resources That Already Exist Into Your Pulumi Stack
There are several ways to skin this particular cat but Tobias has shown me one that works really well so that's what we'll outline here.
There's another approach using the pulumi import CLI command but in my experience that brings in a bunch of extra attributes we don't want. (There may be ways to tune this, I just don't know them.)
Whole Cloth
Before you start importing, code your resources the same way you always would.
For example, if you need an S3 bucket, use all the usual Pulumi code - s3.Bucket etc.
You want to code such that in a disaster recovery scenario, if we were staring from scratch, the resources would get build 100% correctly and the applications they support would pass all monitoring checks and smoke tests and function normally.
Bring On The Special (Import) Sauce
If you know you want to keep existing resources while having Pulumi create the rest, you should tell it to import these resources by passing in a ResourceOptions object at resource creation time. Here's an example of our S3 bucket:
bootcamps_storage_bucket_name = f"ol-bootcamps-app-{stack_info.env_suffix}"
bootcamps_storage_bucket = s3.Bucket(
# ...
Note that obviously the object you're creating will differ if it's not an S3 bucket, for example a Vault mount point.
After having added the above code, go ahead and run pulumi up on your stack. At this stage DO NOT SAY YES to finalizing these changes if there are any diagnostic warnigns displayed.
Here's an example of something like what we'd expect:
# cpatti @ rocinante in ~/src/mit/ol-infrastructure/src/ol_infrastructure/applications/bootcamps on git:cpatti_pulumi_bootcamp x ol-infrastructure-yqmQEgvq-py3.11 [14:31:28]
$ pulumi up -s applications.bootcamps_ecommerce.Production
Previewing update (applications.bootcamps_ecommerce.Production):
Type Name Plan Info
+ pulumi:pulumi:Stack ol-infrastructure-bootcamps-ecommerce-application-applications.bootcamps_ecommerce.Production create
+ ├─ ol:infrastructure:aws:database:OLAmazonDB bootcamps-db-applications-production create
+ │ ├─ aws:rds:ParameterGroup bootcamps-db-applications-production-postgres-parameter-group create
+ │ ├─ aws:rds:Instance bootcamps-db-applications-production-postgres-instance create
+ │ └─ aws:rds:Instance bootcamps-db-applications-production-postgres-replica create
+ ├─ bootcamps-db-applications-production-CPUUtilization-OLCloudWatchAlarmSimpleRDSConfig create
+ │ └─ aws:cloudwatch:MetricAlarm bootcamps-db-applications-production-CPUUtilization-simple-rds-alarm create
+ ├─ bootcamps-db-applications-production-WriteLatency-OLCloudWatchAlarmSimpleRDSConfig create
+ │ └─ aws:cloudwatch:MetricAlarm bootcamps-db-applications-production-WriteLatency-simple-rds-alarm create
+ ├─ bootcamps-db-applications-production-FreeStorageSpace-OLCloudWatchAlarmSimpleRDSConfig create
+ │ └─ aws:cloudwatch:MetricAlarm bootcamps-db-applications-production-FreeStorageSpace-simple-rds-alarm create
+ ├─ bootcamps-db-applications-production-EBSIOBlance-OLCloudWatchAlarmSimpleRDSConfig create
+ │ └─ aws:cloudwatch:MetricAlarm bootcamps-db-applications-production-EBSIOBalance%-simple-rds-alarm create
+ ├─ bootcamps-db-applications-production-DiskQueueDepth-OLCloudWatchAlarmSimpleRDSConfig create
+ │ └─ aws:cloudwatch:MetricAlarm bootcamps-db-applications-production-DiskQueueDepth-simple-rds-alarm create
+ ├─ bootcamps-db-applications-production-ReadLatency-OLCloudWatchAlarmSimpleRDSConfig create
+ │ └─ aws:cloudwatch:MetricAlarm bootcamps-db-applications-production-ReadLatency-simple-rds-alarm create
+ ├─ ol:services:Vault:DatabaseBackend:postgresql bootcamps create
+ │ └─ vault:index:Mount bootcamps-mount-point create
+ │ └─ vault:database:SecretBackendConnection bootcamps-database-connection create
+ │ ├─ vault:database:SecretBackendRole bootcamps-database-role-approle create
+ │ ├─ vault:database:SecretBackendRole bootcamps-database-role-admin create
+ │ ├─ vault:database:SecretBackendRole bootcamps-database-role-readonly create
+ │ └─ vault:database:SecretBackendRole bootcamps-database-role-app create
+ ├─ pulumi:providers:vault vault-provider create
+ ├─ aws:iam:Policy bootcamps-production-policy create
= ├─ aws:s3:Bucket ol-bootcamps-app-production import [diff: -tagsAll~tags]; 1 warning
= ├─ vault:index:Mount bootcamps-vault-secrets-storage import
+ ├─ aws:ec2:SecurityGroup bootcamps-db-access-production create
+ └─ vault:aws:SecretBackendRole bootcamps-app-production create
aws:s3:Bucket (ol-bootcamps-app-production):
warning: inputs to import do not match the existing resource; importing this resource will fail
bootcamps_app: {
rds_host: output<string>
The two key bits of output to focus on here are the diagnostic warning towards the end:
aws:s3:Bucket (ol-bootcamps-app-production):
warning: inputs to import do not match the existing resource; importing this resource will fail
This tells us that Pulumi has detected a critical difference between the resource's state in the real world and Pulumi's model of what's there and what needs to change to arrive at the desired state.
The next most important bit is nestled amongst Pulumi telling us what changes it plans to make:
= ├─ aws:s3:Bucket ol-bootcamps-app-production import [diff: -tagsAll~tags]; 1 warning
This tells us that an attribute, in this case the tags that we're specifying the S3 bucket should have in our Pulumi source disagrees with what's actually sitting out there on EC2.
In order to fix this discrepancy, we go back to our ResourceOptions line we added, adding the tags attribute into it to tell Pulumi to leave the current tags alone and not complain that they differ:
You'll also note that "policy" is in that attributes list. That's needed because Pulumi signalled a mismatch on a previous run.
After these additions, your pulumi up should succeed and all the resources should be created with no further warnings.
Cleaning Up
After you've successfully built your environment with Pulumi and imported the existing resources, you'll want to remove all those ResourceOptions lines from your Pulumi model source as the import should only be done once.